Monday, May 16, 2016

By Carlene Eriksson

A favorable appearance includes good posture. Postural conformity is a part of maintaining a pain-free healthy life. If your posture is poor you may have aches and pains, plus some dysfunction. There is a prominent Aspen CO wellness chiropractor who is helping individuals achieve good posture.

Good posture involves more that standing up straight. The position of a persons body in relation to surrounding space is another indication. It is also a type of body language. This non-verbal language reflects a good attitude and self-confidence.

A well balanced skeleton is protective of the internal organs and general structure of the body. It never, unlike the unbalanced one, it helps the individual to avoid injury. When balance is maintained, the joints are positioned to cause no stress on the body.

Poor posture may be structural or positional. When it is structural it is caused by an abnormal anatomy. If it is positional, it is due to something the person is doing wrong.

Anatomical abnormalities may be caused by joints that are not in the right position. That is one result of poor posture, called structural. If it is positional it is due to something the client does.

Those things may cause pain in your knees, back or pelvic joint. Other possibilities include pain in the upper back and headaches. In extreme examples, a serious condition such as a respiratory abnormality can be caused by bad posture.

Your spine is examined to detect any abnormalities. Your arms, legs and waist are measured. You are evaluated for flexibility and muscular strength. The measurements are compared to normal averages.

A spinal examination includes visual observation, palpation and possibly an x-ray. Your flexibility is evaluated. Your legs and arms will be measured and compared to normal statistics. The strength of your muscles is also measured.

After the examination is complete, a program for your care will be recommended. You may require spinal adjustments, massage and heat applications. In addition you will be given exercises to use at home to strengthen muscles.

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