Thursday, March 31, 2016

By Winifred Watts

The Fort Worth, Arlington and Dallas metropolitan area contains a population just short of seven million. That's a lot of blocked toilets, burst water pipes and faulty taps to keep Dallas plumbers well occupied. The word, "plumber, " gets its origin from the Latin word for lead, which happens to be plumbum. This is why the chemical symbol for lead is Pb. Because anybody who used lead in the course of their trade was designated a plumber, even roofers were so named. This is because of the preponderance of lead roofs back in the day.

Dallas is one of the largest cities in the state of Texas. The Lone Star State, America's 28th, was admitted into the union on December 29, 1845. Prone to thunderstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes, some of the most spectacular storms have struck Texas. Most tornadoes occur in the eastern and northern parts of the state, often in the Panhandle.

It was the Roman Empire that kicked off the plumbing trade. An active practitioner was known as a plumbarius. The profession has also contributed such cultural icons as Joe Plumber, the metaphorical middle class American, not to mention plumbers jeans.

The plumbing industry has produced some intriguing characters onto the world stage. Some of the more noteworthy are Super Mario, Orlando Zapata, and Thomas Crapper. Alas, Crapper was not the inventor of the flushing toilet we know and love today. Orlando Zapata was less famous for his ability to unblock a train than he was for his political activism; he once carried out a fast for 80 days. Super Mario is, of course, a popular figure in computer gaming.

Irving TX lies northwest of Dallas, slightly outside the beltway. Among the desirable traits of an emergency plumber Irving TX are prompt response to emergencies, clearly outlining charges with no ugly surprises at the end, and arriving at your home with all the necessary equipment and parts to complete the work.

Arlington is almost due west of Dallas along Interstate 30. The home ground of the Dallas Cowboys NFL football team, AT&T Stadium, is situated in Arlington. Along with a detailed knowledge of the water supply and waste systems of a home, a plumber Arlington Texas should be trustworthy, professional and up to date with the most advanced techniques and equipment. Arlington is also home to the Hurricane Harbor water theme park.

Fort Worth is situated twice as far west of Dallas as is Arlington and accessible by interstate highways 820, 30, and 35W. It enjoys a humid subtropical climate, meaning hot summers and cool winters. The area is highly susceptible to supercell thunderstorms. When you are checking out a Fort Worth plumbing company, make sure they are available in emergencies and that they accept your preferred method of payment.

A plumber who arrives at your house to do work should be more than happy to show you his credentials. He should also carry sufficient insurance should the job go wrong. A professional plumber will take care not to damage your home in any way, keeping his muddy boots off your carpets and floors. He should make you feel at east asking any questions about the work. He knows you are not a trained tradesman and will not talk down to you.

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