Sunday, March 27, 2016

By Stephanie Stone

At a certain point in life, we all need support and some special attention whether mental, emotional or physical support. Pregnant mothers are an example that really needs our support. This support enables them reduce anxiety and stress, ensure the safety of the unborn baby and help them practice and maintain a healthy diet. Concerning the above, below is information regarding support for pregnant mothers Portland.

Supporting them is not limited to their spouses, friends, and family, strangers can play a part too. One ought not to et a pregnant woman strain in carrying a heavy luggage either from the malls or stores. Anyone should make the effort of helping them out in carrying their luggage since carrying heavy things can cause backaches. Support can come from anywhere and anybody and can be offered voluntarily without having to ask for it especially since some people find it hard to ask for help even when they direly need it.

The people around them should make certain they practice healthy eating habits this is because the unborn child too benefits from the mothers intake and it enables the child to grow. Expectant mothers also should have a healthy body; this is because, the mother is the source of nutrients for the baby. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a healthy diet. Drinking and smoking ought to be avoided by expectant mothers.

Regular exercises should also be encouraged as they enable both the baby and the mother to keep fit. Some of these exercises include, walking, swimming, yoga and weight lifting as they help in improving their mood, sleeping better and they give them energy. They are a great way of preparing them for the birth physical challenges when their time is due.

Ensuring they do not do too much of domestic work. People around them should make certain they help them do house chores like washing utensils, laundry, cleaning the house and cooking. Helping them perform these duties will ensure that they have enough time to relax. Some work that requires too much standing may cause their legs to swell hence should be avoided.

They ought to be supported emotionally to avoid anxiety and stress. Their friends, partner and family should always be there to listen and comfort them when they feel low and when they people to. Having people to comfort them increases relaxation and relieves stress and anxiety. They can also organize for counseling sessions for first time mothers to help them prepare better for motherhood.

The people around them should ensure that the pregnant women do not take unprescribed medication therefore when they fall sick they should be first taken to see a doctor. Reminding them and accompanying them for the doctors appointment for baby checkups is important. This monitoring of the baby ensures that the baby is developing as it is required.

Finally, supporting pregnant mothers during that crucial period is essential as it enables them avoid stress, feel loved and cared for and above all ensure a healthy growing baby. They should be assisted in every way possible and people around them should be understanding and patient even with their ever changing moods that comes due to the pregnancy.

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