Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Is Turmeric Curcumin A Healthy Alternative?

Majority of the way a person live these days are quicker, while fast foods are perfect diets since it's a grab and go for individuals with very busy schedules. As a result of convenient diet, the overall health is compromise and the average lifespan becomes shorter. This is exactly why health advocates are now encouraging people to find healthy alternatives and turmeric curcumin is one of those.

Many years ago in some Asian countries, turmeric is already part of their traditional medicine and even until today it is still widely used in those places. However, the medicinal properties of this amazing herb have not been popularly known in most western countries. Though in progressive nations there are now some interests and scientific researches about the real benefits of this understated spice - turmeric.

Turmeric is known as the spice that gives curry a yellow color and makes dishes more flavorful. But it's more than that, what some people don't know is it has curcumin. The said active ingredient has medicinal qualities since it has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The curcumin content in a raw turmeric plant is quite low compare to turmeric curcumin capsules and extracts, that's why it's preferable since it has more curcuminoids.

Turmeric curcumin as a natural remedy

One of the body's ways to repair damage tissues or fight foreign invaders is through pain and inflammation response. It usually last for a few days and is completely normal. However, there are chronic conditions like arthritis wherein inflammation and pain last for a long time and already affect a person's daily activities and mobility. Most people who have arthritis take synthetic pain relievers and medications to lessen the pain. Fortunately, it is not the only option as there are already a lot of healthy alternatives offered today to improve arthritis condition. Turmeric pills are a good natural pain alternative and supports arthritis patients in dealing with the symptoms because of its powerful properties that fights inflammation.

Turmeric Curcumin as an anti-inflammatory alternative for Arthritis

Arthritis is typically characterized by swelling, stiffness, aching, and pain around one or few joints. In the United States alone, there are about 52.5 million adults suffering from gout, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, and will continue to increase to 67 million by the year 2030. One of the common treatments to lessen the inflammation and improve mobility of arthritic patients is taking prescription drugs wherein a long list of possible side effects can happen after sometime.

The good thing is choices are not limited anymore since people can now choose the natural alternatives like supplements and herbs for arthritis which includes turmeric. In several studies, the potency of curcumin in reducing joint pain and stiffness related to rheumatoid and osteoarthritis is quite significant. What's more, scientists have now recognize turmeric as a potent natural anti-inflammatory that acts through multiple pathways by directly suppressing the inflammation in arthritis and most chronic diseases. Most studies also showed that turmeric curcumin is way better than anti-inflammatory drugs when it comes to effectiveness and safety.

As a family run business, Syba Naturals is committed to provide high-quality supplements and natural health products for people who wants to achieve optimum health.

Every bottle of our 650mg Turmeric Curcumin Supplements are manufactured in the United States in an FDA registered, GMP Certified Laboratory with no animal testing. It contains no binders, additives, fillers, or preservatives. These manufacturing procedures combined with using the highest-quality natural ingredients on the market to assure that individuals obtain both value and quality in each product.

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