Tuesday, July 5, 2016

By David Stevens

Running as back as in the 19th century, it is an act that involves a person who acts a connection between the humans and the spirits. The act rose to fame in the 19th century and funny enough lost its popularity at that same period. Science plays a major role in this practice, trying to make clear and logic such acts involved in San Diego mediums. The subject has since dismissed the practiced as simple planned theatrics.

Such were the conclusions of a study done by a Britain located psychological society, which found out that the test subject portrayed no such capabilities as claimed to have. All the same, genuine seeming occurrences supporting the practice surface form time to time, such normally include actual physical occurrences of spiritual manifestations through possessions which proceed with inhuman voices from the possessed.

Those who conform to mediumship, claim the ability to directly relay information to spirits and also attain information from the same. Additionally, a strange practice of allowing their bodies to act as a communicating vessel where the spirit uses the body to directly relay information; normally is carried out in a bid to connect with the spiritual world.

This involves actions that either lead to a mentally or a physically evident experience with the spirits. A mental experience would involve a tuning in endeavor meant to attain data from the other world. While a physical experience as the term suggests, would lead to a seeable experience with the entity. Normally in such cases actual observable happenings are experienced. It currently has a role in human entertainment through television plays and motion pictures.

Back in time, spiritualism was practiced as is portrayed by the story of King Saul and Prophet Samuel. The king sought help from an individual conforming to the practice regarding insights of the fight that was to come. This led to the raising of a then deceased prophet Samuel. Later on between the years 1920 and 1930, several people conformed to spiritualism as a practice and as a belief.

Issues of fraud within the practice have all the same been reported throughout history. Most famous is that of a person by the name Colin Evans who purported to be endowed with a special ability to freely levitate by beings from the spiritual world. Such frauds have been recorded in the books alongside other written experiences as those of Dorreen Philips on actual contacts with spirits. Such have been published and commercialized.

Religion has since been the first criticizer of the act. The bible for instance spells out that such dark acts should not be related to as they are against the creators teachings. This has not however barred it from growing into the 21th century and finding and even more convenient market positioning. The internet and social networks, where those practicing offer their services to those in need.

Popular practitioners of the act as Dubois and Chip Coffey in the current century are a proof that the practice still keeps its pace with time with its only change being an evolution as the population evolves. The question of the logical or scientific foundation onto which the act is built on; however, it seems to be a never ending subject.

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