Friday, July 15, 2016

By Roger Thomas

With the trends turning more and more people to exposing their bodies, the wish to remove unsightly body hair has never been higher. Whether you shave, tweeze, or use any other method of removal, the very latest and most popular is Waxing. Especially the bikini wax Pittsburgh PA experts offer!

While there are different types of waxing - for instance Full, Brazilian, or just Bikini lines. It is always important to attend a clinic or center in your area that takes as much care of preparation of your body as they do the actual task. By ensuring that you are prepped your pain factor will be minimized. After the treatment the irritation and bumps must be minimized and should be if your consultant is a professionally trained individual.

Bikini Waxing has taken over as the leading method of hair removal over the last few years. With it becoming the pretty standard grooming habit for many thousands of women, who book their monthly beautifying treatments every single month without fail. In Pittsburg alone, you can find an unlimited amount of salons offering the widest range of procedures and treatments.

Before attending your appointment you should shower and gently exfoliate the entire area to be waxed. Do not wash in hot water, but rather opt for a Luke warm temperature. This will open the pores, making the hair removal easier and much less painful. Do not apply creams or oils after bathing.

Classically the shape of this type of treatment means the tidy up of unwanted hair at the front and a bit down below, so that when you have your bikini on there is none visible above or at the side of the knickers. Most first timers opt for this simple method.

Ladies that do not handle pain well, there are medical options to assist with softening this blow. Numbing, or a local anesthetic type of cream can be applied to desensitize the area. Some consultants will advise that aspirin or ibuprofen may be taken up to 45 minutes prior to your appointment. Especially for the more sensitive areas such as the bikini area. Some say a natural remedy is to use a handheld massager as this numbs the nerve endings in those sensitive areas as it relieves tension. This should be done immediately prior to the waxing treatment.

It is very important to make sure that your body's acid levels are not too high before any such treatment. Your skins sensitivity is increased by a high level of acidity. Cut down on high intakes of Caffeine, smoking, and alcohol consumption for a few days before your appointment. These levels are reduced by administering TUMS up to 20 to 30 minutes before.

Ladies you do not have to remove your panties for the procedure. That's right; the therapist will ask you to lie down on the bed. Place your feet together, knees open wide apart, pulling the panty to the side. She may ask you to hold back the knickers, flattening the skin to make the application easier as the flatter the area the easier it is for her to strip the wax when it has cooled down. Some salons offer disposable underwear so as not to damage or soil your own. Once the treatment is done, some soothing cream will be applied and you are finished, not having to worry again until next month.

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