Tuesday, July 26, 2016

By Virginia Barnes

Metabolism in human bodies is facilitated by cells, tissues and blood. Nutrients obtained through feeding are usually transported to other body parts via blood. Inside the blood, there are multiple micro cells that facilitate nutrient absorption as well as fighting foreign disease causing germs. Pulsed electromagnetic field technology was invented to counteract cell dysfunctions such as cell depletion and blood cancer.

This technology is used to minimize pain, inflammation, platelet adhesion and stress effects on the body. It has been extensively used for several decades to treat medical conditions in both animals and humans. National agencies in charge of health have placed this innovation as a priority for research. This is because of its increasing benefits as well as the positive impact it has on the health sector.

Human bodies solely rely on blood for the transportation of nutrients and oxygen. By adopting this technology, tissue oxygenation and blood circulation processes are enhanced. Furthermore, medical conditions such as increased blood pressure levels are curbed by this magnificent innovation. The process of regenerating cells in the body depends on how fast nutrients are absorbed.

This innovation was also adopted to increase immunity in human bodies. It has been singled out as a safe and effective treatment option. The ability of the body to fight disease causing micro organisms relies on the number of white blood cells. When this innovation is adopted, fractured bones and tissues are repaired. This works for people who have initially sustained injuries during an accident.

The technology uses both practical and theoretical knowledge foundations. In theory, specialists suggest that body cells emit electromagnetic waves. These waves are utilized as a communication medium for cells and tissues. For example, nutrients are passed from one body part to the other with respect to these waves. The waves travel in different frequencies with an ultimate aim of penetrating body tissues and cells.

Devices that emit this form of energy vary based on specifications such as waveform, frequency, strength and stimulator types. Frequencies are categorized into low, high or medium classes. Consequently, most devices help to a certain degree with respect to the medical condition at hand. Selecting the right device can therefore produce satisfactory results.

These devices are also prominent for fast speeds in induction. This speeds up the process in which pulse waves gain access to the cells. They are relatively easy to use because they only have four control buttons. During therapy, the frequencies and intensities of pulse waves fluctuate to prevent the body from being acclimated to them.

The gadgets also allow computer connection for people to select from a long list of treatment protocols. You can create and save your programs on a computer when using these gadgets. They are environmental friendly since they emit non toxic signals. You also have the freedom to choose one out of the four models that are available for sale. You can feel pulses in your body using a simple magnet found within the device.

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