Saturday, July 2, 2016

By Haywood Hunter

Sun Labs Handy Tan is a revolutionary new product that is sure to sizzle up some popularity. Sun Laboratories introduced the airbrushing kit that will give you that perfect bronze glow you crave for in a very fast and simplistic way. Don't waste any more time in a salon or hours in the sun, this new product will prove to be nearly effortless.

Sun Labs Handy Tan is getting great reviews and people eagerly run back for more. This product was created to suit the average person who may not have hours to spend in the sun or a fortune in a salon to get that attractive tan. The normal person can now buy Sun Labs Handy Tan in a can and have a fine-looking body in just minutes.

The upside of Sun Labs Handy Tan is that it requires no use of electricity, because it functions on air canisters. The canisters are environment friendly and completely disposable, so if a problem should arise it can be easily replaced. Another great aspect of Sun Labs Handy Tan is that is portable and can be taken with you wherever you go, so that you can get your sun kissed glow anywhere and anytime.

One application of Sun Labs Handy Tan is believed to last one week, so the only effort that is required of you, is just to spray it on and then enjoy your skin's glow. This product ensures the safety of your skin. There is no need to harm your skin with a sunbed or spend hours in the extremely dangerous rays of the sun, this product can be used in your home and you will still get the same effect without the danger.

Go out and make a statement, let people revel in the gorgeous glow of your Sun Labs Handy Tan. The proses are fairly basic and because of the fine spray, problems can be avoided. Exfoliate your skin before applying the product as to prepare it properly. For a more intense shade you can just apply the solution multiple times.

There have however been clients that found Sun Labs Handy Tan problematic. The client's complaints were that for a normal self-tanning product the price is too high and that the average person will not be able to buy it. There were also critiques on the spray guns that were not functioning properly and it caused marks and streaks on the skin in a hideous color.

The company was made aware of these objections and have been working hard to correct them. They started by fixing the color, they added a maintainer to it so that the tone would always be in the right shade. Sun Labs Handy Tan also has a guaranteed improvement on the spray gun, and it will be in working order before it goes to sale.

The kit is filled with products to help you get the best results. Along with the spay gun and the maintainer, they also include the tanning solution and an exfoliator gel that you can use to prepare the skin beforehand. So for a safe and beautifully tanned skin, you have to look no further than Sun Labs Handy Tan to provide you with that statement skin in no time at all.

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