Saturday, August 6, 2016

By Ronald Turner

Whether you are a believer or not, most of us are fascinated by people who claim to know things about us that we haven't told them or be in contact with loved ones who have passed on. We have the same interest in magicians. Even though we may be convinced that we're being tricked, their amazing acts still receive enthusiastic applause. San Diego psychics, and others, are often frustrated by common misconceptions about what they can and cannot do.

Psychics will argue that most people misunderstand the nature of their special gifts. Like attorneys who specialize in certain aspects of the law, one psychic may be strong in one area, but not in others. They are not interchangeable. People who claim to be able to do it all are entertainers, they will tell you, and not true psychics.

A lot of us are subject to superstitions and old sayings that go back to our young days. Some people refuse to walk under a ladder because they believe it is bad luck. Others will say they are expecting visitors because they accidentally dropped a fork. Psychic ability may seem similar to these old sayings.

Many of them will also tell you that they can detect energy around them. This may be what they mean when they say they sense the presence of a spirit or the aura of someone who is deceased. Other psychics will state simply they just know things, and they cannot really tell you why they possess that gift. Many believe it is something they were born with.

A lot of mentalists get frustrated because people think they do things that are not possible. Most admit that mind reading is one of those things. Many clairvoyants are very good at judging someone's emotional state and can tell from body language and facial expressions what is going through a listener's mind, but that does not qualify as reading his or her mind. Performers who convince their audiences that they have mind reading powers are more magicians doing tricks than psychics channeling mental images.

Predicting the future is not something a true psychic can really do. They admit that the future has too many variables and unexpected twists and turns to make that possible. Most of us are aware that crossing a gypsy fortune teller's palm with silver is not going get us anything but a fantastical story.

As with most people who have specific talents, some are just more gifted than others. One psychic may develop a very strong of the energy in the atmosphere while another has no particular feeling about it. That psychic's strength may lie in the ability to see and hear things internally.

Some people are just more susceptible to trickery than others. A few want to believe so much that they are easily duped and may end up facing financial ruin. San Diego, CA mentalists, for example, say that this is what gives all of them a bad name, and makes everyone suspicious of them. Most just want to bring aid and comfort to troubled or curious souls.

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