Wednesday, September 14, 2016

By Ruth Ellis

Many Americans stay away from work make doctor visits because of back pain every year. Sometimes back pains can be very painful and uncomfortable, but they are never very serious in most cases. In most cases, this problem goes away on its own after a few weeks. However, this may not happen in all cases, because the aching may persist for months or may become intermittent. In such cases, prompt medical help should be sought. When in need for treatment for back pain Conroe is the place to visit.

Backaches are usually characterized by the region of the back they affect. In most cases, they occur in the lower region, but the pain may be felt throughout the back from the neck to the hips. The problem can be caused if there is a problem in any of the structures or organs surrounding the spine. Some major types of backaches are slipped disc, whiplash, ankylosing apondylitis, frozen shoulder, arthritis, osteoporosis, shingles, spine cancer, and sciatica.

Backaches may be caused by a single cause or multiple causes. Major causes include strained muscles, muscle spasm, and strained ligaments. The problem is also caused by assuming a bad posture while sleeping. In most times, aches resulting from poor sleeping posture disappear shortly, but they become intermittent if the same posture is repeated occasionally. Lifting heavy objects or lifting objects improperly may also cause the condition.

The history of the pains should be recorded in detail. Details that should be recorded include the onset of the pains, characteristic, triggers, duration of each episode, and major changes. If one has only felt the aching for some days, the best thing to do is to maintain daily routine and remain as active as possible. If necessary, one may take some painkillers to relieve the pains.

It is also advisable to use cold or hot compression packs to ease the aching. These packs can be purchases from local pharmacy. If one cannot access cold or hot compression packs, they can use a hot water bottle or a bag of frozen vegetables. These products also work well. Being hopeful and optimistic can help with quick recovery.

Being careful with the kind of lifestyle one observes can be a major preventive measure for backaches. Staying away from lifting heavy items can be preventive enough too. The back is kept in good shape if it is not subjected to too much pressure caused by lifting heavy objects. Exercising regularly can also help prevent the problem. Swimming and walking are the most advised forms of exercise.

This problem affects people across all age groups. However, there is a higher tendency of individuals aged between 35 and 55 to be more affected by the condition. Elderly people also experience backaches as a result of the normal process of aging brought about by physiological changes in the body.

The degree of severity of the backache will often determine the kind of treatment given. Some treatment options that are commonly used include acupuncture, exercise classes, stronger painkillers, counseling, and manual therapy. Some cases may need surgical intervention.

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