Wednesday, September 28, 2016

By George Sullivan

If you are considering adding an accent piece to a room in your home, you may think it needs to be something large like a piece of furniture. This isn't exactly true. If you want to give a room in your home more warmth and make it feel cozier, a white faux fur rug can be just the thing you need in order to get the look you want. Here are some things to think about when you go shopping for an area rug for your home.

Many people don't consider what the conditions are in a particular room before they pick a rug to cover the floor. This is important. A room where there is a lot of moisture may not be a great place for a carpet. This is also true of rooms where there is a lot of traffic as feet can track in a lot of dirt and grime that can make your rug feel and look worn and unpleasant underfoot.

The amount of foot traffic that will cross over your carpet is an important factor when it comes to picking the right one for your home. A high-traffic zone is a great place for a rug that has shorter pile and which can be cleaned more easily. Longer pile can feel great under your feet but it is harder to keep clean and can really wreck havoc on a vacuum cleaner.

These decor items come in many different sizes and shapes. You may want to think about how large you want your floor covering to be. Smaller carpets can be more affordable but may not be the best choice for your room. Some individuals will want to use several smaller rugs rather than one larger one. Keep in mind that a smaller carpet, or one that is unevenly shaped, may allow people to see the floor underneath. This can be a nice look but may not be to your personal taste.

If you are worried about the surface showing wear and tear you might want to look for a rug that has a pattern to it. There are many white rugs that have a subtle pattern worked into them. They can look quite beautiful in any room in your home.

Once you have selected your area rug you will want to make sure that it stays looking as good as possible for as long as possible. You should consider adding an under pad if you know that your rug will have to endure a lot of foot traffic. An under pad can also help keep the rug from moving around or sliding which can be a safety issue.

In order to keep your rug looking its best you will need to know how to clean it properly. You should learn how to remove dirt. You can often vacuum up dirt but some rugs may have pile that is too long to do so easily. You may need to look into different cleaning methods in order to keep your white rug looking like new.

If you are looking for stylish rugs that are easy to care for you can always start your search online. You may also want to look in flooring stores or those that sell home accent pieces as well. These types of stores will have a range of different rugs to choose from, some of which will be easier to care for than others.

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