Monday, October 10, 2016

By Haywood Hunter

Applying the right indoor tanning product enables you to sport a skin tone that looks like you spent hours under the sun. To make the color seem realistic, it's important for you to carry out a few simple steps prior to the application of Sol sunless tanner. Read on to know the things you have to do in order to enjoy a fake suntan that looks exactly like the real thing.

Take a shower or bath just before you start applying the tanning product of your choice. Doing so frees your skin from dirt and grime that could keep DHA, the active ingredient present in most of today's self tanners, from being fully absorbed. Otherwise, you are likely to end up with a blotchy complexion or something that's not as intense as you expected.

Skin exfoliation is essential in order to remove excessive dead cells on your skin. This important step to take before getting a tan indoors is best done while you are taking a shower or bath with the help of a sponge or loofah. You may also opt for a body exfoliating gel formulated exclusively for use just before the application of sunless tanning lotions or sprays.

Having the skin scrubbed or polished beforehand enables DHA to have a smooth surface to darken. If you fail to exfoliate, you may find the outcome to be less striking. Sugar-based DHA is a chemical that is capable of darkening your complexion by browning dead skin cells. By removing excess ones in the bathroom, DHA is absorbed evenly and creates a smooth color.

Not all scrub preparations available on the current market are recommendable. This is especially true for those that contain oily ingredients that can prevent UV-free tanning products from doing their job. If you like to use an exfoliating gel rather than a loofah or sponge, make sure that you opt for something that is meant for use before getting a fake tan indoors.

Aside from those dead skin cells, you also have to get rid of unwanted body hairs. Having them around may leave you with a mottled effect because it's not unlikely for the tanning product you apply to pool around the strands, causing those areas to absorb more DHA and end up darker. While taking a shower or a bath, make sure that you shave your skin very well.

Go ahead and get a wax if this is your preferred way to have those unwanted body hairs removed. Just see to it that you have it performed at least a day before getting a UV-free tan. This enables the skin to bounce back from the irritation caused by hot wax. Additionally, it helps ensure that there are no more residues by the time the tanning product is used.

Doing all of the steps mentioned above helps make your quest to sport a lovely fake suntan a favorable experience. It's not enough that you purchase one of the best-selling tanners on the current market as well as apply it carefully all over the body or on certain parts only. It's also important to have the skin primed for the active ingredient of the tanner you trust.

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