Sunday, October 16, 2016

By Gary Bennett

It has always been said that children and students are the future of mankind. Sooner or later those who have been at the work force the longest will retire and will be replaced. This is a cycle that has been going on for so long.

Students are not the only ones that needs to learn new things. In every industry there is always great value in constantly learning new things. Instructional school rounds is a way of observation among teachers and school staff used to observe the different methods and approaches of each faculty member when it comes to teaching their classes. The idea was based on medical rounds and how medical professionals gather and discuss the condition of a patient.

The idea originates from the medical field where doctors, med students and other medical professionals discuss the sickness and issues of a patient. True enough, not one doctor can handle such a complex problem alone just as how not one instructor can effectively teach a class with only his own skills and knowledge alone. The teachers are observed by a panel of other teachers. But the point is not to grade them and merely just to state points according to a set of questions.

This method is essentially collaborative and its goal is to have the educators fall under the same understanding about their of teaching and learning. There are many questions and factors that identify whether the instructor is doing an effective job of teaching. Questions that focus on introducing new knowledge, testing and evaluation of students and so on.

Individually, instructors are in the perfect avenue for introspection with regards to their methods. The observing panel are also able to evaluate and compare themselves with their colleagues in a systematic way that avoids any conflict among each other. Different processes of learning are being observed such as introduction to new topics, how well the class digests it, testing and knowledge evaluation. The group is then lead to discuss what they have seen as good and bad points.

This concept is incredibly effective in the school setting alone but can also work on a district scale. This implies a wider examination of learners and the quality of education that they receive in the community. District level rounds are a potent way of identifying what issues may lay that cause the discrepancies of learning among the students depending on their level.

This makes tracking the progress of students more quantifiable. Statistics and number can be gathered from the rounds and may prove useful in identifying what causes schools to perform excellently or otherwise. Once the data is gathered interpretations are more accurate. The numbers never lie.

The needs in terms of facilities and equipment can also be clearly seen especially in cross school rounds. This becomes easier to identify since there are other people from a different environment that gets to observe the same institution in a foreign perspective. This also assures that there is shared responsibility of the learning quality in one community.

There is always only one concern that is being tackled in every round. This prevents the risk of giving out wrong solutions to the right problems. Doing this may lead to a backlash that would significantly affect learners.

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