Sunday, January 15, 2017

By Edward Clark

It is normal for the breast of women to fall. This condition can be addressed through breast augmentation surgery. The process aims at improving on the size and the shape of the breast. Thus making them bigger and fuller. Breast augmentation Merrillville IN which is also called breast implant can be performed in a bid to make reconstructive purposes such as after operation involving breast cancer or sometimes for cosmetic purposes.

The breast implants are availed in two categories; that is the saline and silicone one. The saline filled implants usually are known to be silicone shells which are normally filled with salty sterile which are always with a plastic gel referred to as silicone.

There is no standard cost of this operation. The cost will vary depending on the doctor, the location of the hospital and the type of implants to be used. This procedure done for cosmetic purposes, therefore, it is not covered by health insurance.

Under normal situations, the breast continues to grow in ladies until their late teens or early twenties. Therefore, the operation cannot be done to people below the age of eighteen. Saline filled implants are usually recommended for women of at least eighteen years of age. On the other hand, silicone implants are normally recommended for women having at least twenty two years old.

When you want to undergo surgery, look only for an experienced plastic surgeon. This is done to prevent the occurrence of future complications which usually occur when the surgery is done by inexperienced individuals.

Before the procedure, you will be required first to meet the doctor for medical evaluation. At this stage, you can share with the doctor about what you need and also get feedback from him. Moreover, your doctor may request you to avoid taking some medications a few weeks or days before the surgery. The operation usually takes a few hours under normal circumstances. You can get the surgery performed as an outpatient surgery, or you can stay overnight in a health facility.

Once you have given your consent to the operation, the doctor will put you in a condition of painless sleep. This is done through injection with anesthesia. The doctor will then make some incisions below your breast, around the nipples or under your arms. The location of the incision depends on factors such as the state of your body, the amount of enlargement required and the type of implant to be used.

After the incision is made, the surgeon will then put the appropriate implant into a pocket like structures below or above the chest muscle. After putting the implant in place, your doctor will carefully close the cuts using surgical tapes or sutures. This surgery makes your breast fuller and also enhances their shape. It also boosts your self confidence as you socialize with others. Moreover, the results from the surgery are long lasting.

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