Sunday, June 11, 2017

By Susan King

During one's lifetime, they might occasionally have a desire to contact someone who has passed away. Maybe they just need to gain comfort knowing that the deceased's spirit is contents or perhaps they seek to address unresolved questions. Through the services of a psychic medium San Diego, CA, this could be possible.

Mediums possess the unique gift of being able to make connections and communicate with those who have passed to the spirit world. They do not make predictions of the future, tell fortunes, or read minds. They are actually blessed with an intuition that is very sensitive to the life force energies which opens them up to receive messages from the deceased.

This gift works different for everyone that has it. No two mediums receive their messages in exactly the same way and every reading is going to be uniquely based on the energies emitted from the living and the willingness of the spirits to communicate. There are multiple ways by which these individuals make contact.

Some of the ways mediums are able to receive messages from the spirits are through auditory input - as in they hear their voices inside their mind. Often times, they might get visions, meaning that the departed show them glimpses of events, places, and faces, and the intuitive is expected to make sense of them, or actual manifestations where they can actually see them. For others, they may be overcome with physical sensations or emotions, and there are some who use the automatic writing technique.

Depending on the individual, they might only receive their communications in a single way, or they might get input in multiple forms. However they are getting the messages, clients need to understand that the mediums have no control over which spirits choose to come through, what information they opt to provide the living, or when they choose to leave. There is also the important factor of everyone in the room being positive and open minded, because negativity and skepticism can cloud reception.

Clients should also be aware that true mediums do not ask clients to provide elaboration. They are mostly seeking 'no', 'maybe', and 'yes', answers simply to make sure they are going in the right direction with their interpretation. As they receive their impressions, they might look to their client just to clarify something that is not making sense in their own mind.

Readings are most productive when clients do no try to trick or play games with the intuitive, but rather give honest responses. Most mediums receive their information in broken impressions that do not always seem to connect, so they ask the client for basic clarification - not elaboration. As these are communications between humans and spirits, it is logical to expect natural misinterpretations such as thinking 'Cindy' for a name meant to be 'Sandy'.

Mediums make every effort to focus only on input being given by spirits that have the strongest bond with the client's personal energy. This is another reason one should be willing to receive, positive, and open minded. Contacting a departed loved through the services of an intuitive can bring an individual peace of mind and comfort.

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