Friday, September 1, 2017

By Donald Harris

Knowledge is very important for the development of the human kind. People like to know things so as to make achievements often in form of discoveries. Other than the physically manifested knowledge, there is another type of knowledge that we cannot see to prove it. Such type of knowledge is mainly classified in the Mystical Studies category.

We all know that we are either piece of the puzzle or the puzzle itself. Some of us realize that many of the puzzle pieces have fallen into place. However, some pieces are still missing that is why many of us will still have questions example, who are we and what are we expected to do. Such questions and the need to know are some of the main driving forces to drive someone into studying the mystics.

many of the people who decide to study mystics will be faced by the challenge of discouragements as their main issue. Their aims of studying the subject will be shunned by other people as an act that can cause many ill consequences. Furthermore, they insist that one may not be ready to process what they discover. In the end, many people have quit the study as they were highly discouraged and warned.

With the frequent warnings and threats many people will give up as explained above. However, for those who managed to immerse themselves completely in the subject, they claim that those who gave up before they begun were actually not ready for the process. They insist that passing that first stage will enable them to make the achievements they need in the field.

For those who passed the first stage of discouragement, it is important for them to know that quitting from then on in the field will not be easy. This is because the field of mystics is composed of questions and getting answers to the questions. For each question answered there will be another one thus the process is never completed thus drawing the learners of the field deeper into it.

Mysticism and religion have often been related. This is because mysticism relies on the unseen which is also the main concept in religion. The reference to a super power being is also common in both fields. Similarities between the various religions have also been noted thus showing that they may have their origins in mysticism.

To get fully involved in mysticism, the learners are first expected to take soul searching exercises. These exercises are essential to allowing them to open themselves up to possibilities and also allows them to discover themselves and find answers to their own questions. After the self-assessment, they are also considered readier for the next stages of study in the field.

People who have become engrossed in mystics will experience a drastic change in personality and character either to the positive or negative. Most will not want to be the people they were in the past as they are more comfortable with the person they have become. The other factors explained in the article above are other factors that are considered in relation to the study of mysticism.

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