Sunday, October 15, 2017

By David Kellan

Cookouts can provide ample enjoyment, not only among food lovers but family and friends as well. Despite this, there is a level of care that should be taken when it comes to mosquitoes. These pests can be bothersome during this time of the year, so knowing how to prevent them is vital. Courtesy of Long Island mosquito control specialists, here are 3 methods to follow so that you can make future cookouts more enjoyable.

One of the ways that you can hold the best cookouts is by using the services of a mosquito spraying Long Island company. Not only will the likes of Alternative Earthcare be able to keep these pests away, but do so in a way that's perfectly natural. Organic methods serve to benefit everyone from adults to pets. What this means is that when you hire a professional, you can rest assured that safety will be a priority.

Another way to help your cookout is by removing standing water that has accumulated over the course of time. Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that you have a birdbath that isn't used very often. The water inside of it is a prime location for mosquito breeding, which means that you may have a bigger pest problem than expected. In order to keep these insects away from your cookout, standing water must be removed.

During your cookout, make sure that you light citronella candles. While many people assume that these are used for fragrance reasons, they may not be aware of how well they ward off various types of bugs. The aroma in question repulses them and, as a result, they will be less likely to wander onto your property. Not only will you keep your cookout pest-free, but you'll bring a nice scent that your guests will enjoy.

Finally, be mindful of how you handle the food that you cook. It's recommended that you bring your burgers, hot dogs, and other grilled foods inside for safer serving. From there, your guests can decide whether they'd like to sit inside or outside to eat. If you insist on serving people outside, make sure that your food is covered so that mosquitoes can't get to it. Safety measures like these will go a long way in ensuring that future cookouts are successful.

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