Tuesday, October 17, 2017

By Margaret Turner

Basically, the term sterilization can be used to convey different information and meaning. For example, in business, this word may refer to a measure or step taken by the central banks so as to reduce liquid cash or cash flow transactions in order to curb inflation. Again, this word can also be used to refer to destruction or killing pathogens or microorganisms present in surgical devices or equipment that contact blood. However, in this case, sterilization reversal is undertaken to make a person fertile again.

In reproduction biology, sterilization refers to a procedure or process that one undertakes and renders him or her not able to reproduce sexually. These methods include castration, salpingectomy, and vasectomy in males. In females, it involves tubal litigation, laparoscopy methods, hysteroscopy among other methods. However, some methods like castration cannot be reversed.

During the reversing process, there are considerations you normally make. They include the need as to why you want to have it done. In most cases, it is caused by the need of having another child. This is caused by unexpected occurrence like death, sickness, lameness or a child becomes physically handicapped. This may make you decide to have another baby.

This procedure requires one to seek advice and information from professionals like gynecologists for women. Medical professionals give information that can be of great importance as well as assessing your health and fertility status. One of the things inquired about is the period of which you have lived in that state, administration of procedure and method or technique used among other factors. He will also examine you medically and physically and some points use methods like x-rays and other imaging methods to assess the condition. Test on sperm count is done for men conditions.

During the process, you are subjected to general anesthesia so that you will not feel pain during the process. It also makes you asleep so that you cannot interfere with the process. The doctor will have an examination on whether it is possible to reverse or not. If he becomes certain and convinced that it is possible, he will make a small cut in a laparoscopic manner and removes the clips or bands that were used to block the tubes.

In women, this procedure affects the abdomen and is usually considered a major surgical procedure. Usually, it is much complex than initial tying. Therefore, you will require a bed rest for many hours and the recovery process usually take longer. To relieve any pain, reliever doses and painkillers are prescribed. Recovery usually takes about 2 to 3 weeks.

In men, a reconnection of the epididymis that was interrupted by vasectomy is done. Usually, a person is subjected under an anesthesia to ensure there are no interruptions. Nevertheless, it may be performed without sedation. The procedure usually takes about 1-3 hours for reconnection although the time spent depends on complexities of the general anatomy, intensity of a procedure, and the expertise of the surgeon.

After these activities are done for both men and women they are now able to reproduce. Women can now be able to conceive as eggs will be released and sperms swim to the oviduct. For men, sperms will be able to mix with the rest of the semen and swim into the female reproductive organs.

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