Friday, October 6, 2017

By Kimberly Davis

There are many reasons why a person would want to talk to a counselor or a therapist. Sometimes it is for the purpose of getting something off their chest. Other times, it is a more serious condition that they are dealing with. At times, the therapist will find the patient is dealing with underlying feelings which relates to their childhood. This is where psychoanalytic treatment NYC is necessary.

It will help the patient go back to the unconscious and this will help them to deal with many memories and emotions that they have not dealt with in their life. One often gets the image of the patient lying on the couch with Freud pacing up and down. This is where it all began. A lot of it has to do with dreams. However, there are other ways in which you are able to tap into the subconscious.

During this type of treatment, the psychologist will question the patient. They will analyze their communication patterns. They will look more closely at the way in which they behave. They will give them things to do outside of the sessions and the patient will report back. They can get a better idea of what is happening in the way they were able to cope in the work place and with their personal lives.

Some patients would have suffered from childhood abuse or they would have come from dysfunctional families. This will affect them in their adult lives. It will mean that they have problems in their close and personal relationships. They will struggle with intimacy. They may have trouble relating to authority figures. People like this may not even remember that they have been abused.

A psychologist is known to be non-judgemental, caring, compassionate and loving in the way in which they handle these situations. This gives the client encouragement and motivated them to express themselves, establishing a wonderful relationship with the therapist. This type of relationship will encourage trust and an open sense of communication between the psychologist and the client.

It is said that many of the problems of the individual are deeply seated in the unconscious. This is why the therapist needs to work with the patient in dealing to the problem in this area. The childhood abuse will not be forgotten.

It is something that they are still aware of, but they have put it out of their mind. The patient may think it is best that they are not aware of this. However, when it is in the unconscious, it is still something that you are carrying around all of your life. It will affect your daily life in more ways than one.

There are various techniques and methods which psychologist that specialize in this will use. It can include free association which is simply talking about whatever comes to the mind of the patient. The therapist will encourage the patient to talk freely about what is happening or what they may be experiencing. Usually there are patterns that develop from the present time to the past that can be very important.

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