Monday, December 11, 2017

By Shirley Evans

Ladders are used to climb down and up a set of steps in inclined or vertical position that has two types of classifications. The first is rigid that can be leaned to walls and other vertical surfaces or itself and are either permanently fixed into an equipment, building, or structure. Second is flexible which is made from ropes or aluminum which is usually hanged on top.

There are also those that are made for specific uses though using them in other purposes is possible but not recommended. Examples of these are orchard ladders which is used by landscapers and fruit pickers that prevent some injuries and falls. This is portable, durable and designed with flared base and tripod pole to provide support on soft and uneven ground.

The ladder is made usually from wood, fiberglass and aluminum, and also has two types known as straight and tripod. There are two types too with the former one namely pointed top and the open top which both have a flared base. Meanwhile, the latter is considered more popular with three legs where its third leg forms the tripod and give support for different conditions.

These are several tips for knowing when to use the ladders such as for harvesting operations only and just pruning. Just let a single person climb it, securely tie it prior to climbing and avoid using them on firm ground since it might tip or collapse any moment. If you feel a little dizzy or tired then never step on it because you may lose balance.

The recommended shoes for climbing on them are clean ones with slip resistance while leather soles are unsafe. Inspect it first before using to make sure it is in good condition, select one that suits the job, and never use them in storms or strong winds. If possible, wear safety or tool belt, slowly climb while avoiding moving too much and never move it when you are on it.

Common accidents when ladders are used are falls and injuries with a few factors contributing in these like its age, footwear, sudden movement, its bad condition and lack of attention. Accidents may happen even while just carrying, moving and lifting them. So make sure workers are properly trained.

If you require them on your fruit farm in picking fruits from trees then look for companies online that sells these. Specify where your location is because this filters results into showing those operating nearby only. Doing this excludes those coming from other states, cities and countries which makes it easier in sifting through them.

You may request for several recommendations from your associates, relatives and friends, specially those that required this before. Getting recommendations from individuals you trust is an advantage since they will tell honestly their opinions. Find out more regarding the company by performing some research on them too.

Check some review sites to know what other people think of their customer service and product quality to help you decide. Inquire for the price of their products and compare them with those from other companies. If buying online, ask when is the expected date of arrival.

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