Friday, April 27, 2018

By William Myers

You will realize that almost all crops are similar when it comes to planting them. The difference only comes in due to the variation of their species. Some will have certain ways of planting. The Ginger Rhizomes are known to have a specific way of growing them since they grow from planting a section of its root. After a period of summer, it grows and harvested. Below is a detailed procedure one should follow when growing it.

First and foremost, one is required to cover the section of your garden with almost two-inch compost layer. Mix the compost with the soil by turning it together with the soil using a spade. There is need to select a section which is well drained and which receives partial shade. The area needs only to receive the required amount of sunlight. Also, the soil should be rich in nutrients.

You will then be expected to acquire some ginger roots. They must be fresh, cut them into portions of about two inches with each portion having a bud. These are the sections which will be ready for planting. After that, ensure you have identified a good dry ground where you can keep them and wait for them to cure for one or two days.

After that, you have to plant the sections. They must be planted with the buds facing upwards to enhance an effective growth. The depth need not exceed half of an inch beneath the surface. Moreover, you will be expected to make sure that the space between the roots is almost two to three feet apart. This should be in all directions to enable them to have enough space.

Watering the crop is essential. Water is a necessity for all plants, and no crop can do without it. So, you need to water the bed more often and ensure the soil is never dry. This will facilitate the fast growing of the ginger. As they start removing leaves, increasing the amount of water will be important. The ratio can be added once or twice weekly, and they will continue growing fast.

After that, you have to use some water-soluble fertilizer. This will be essential in facilitating the growth of the rhizomes. The application process will require one to follow the instructions indicated on the instruction sheet in the package. Apply the indicated amount in every stage to allow your crop to grow healthy.

Moreover, you will be needed to cut back the foliage. This is when they are ready for harvest. In this case, one needs to cut them to within a height of two inches after which the leaves will die. Then, dig up the roots and cut off the sections of rhizome perimeter to be used for the kitchen. You may replant the main root mass later on.

After that, you need to take the cut main roots sections and prepare them for replanting process. One should always focus on the next summer season to have similar or better product than the present one. In this case, you should look for vegetation matter to be used for mulching. They will protect your replanted rhizomes and soil from cold weather conditions to be experienced during cold seasons ahead.

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