Monday, April 16, 2018

By Susan Ross

Whether working in a traditional capacity or online, transcriptionists are often in high demand. While this is the case, there are now a number of different disciplines in which online transcription services can be beneficial. Whether a doctor, lawyer, professor or other professional, most need assistance with transcription at some point in a career.

In fact, transcriptionists are in high demand. For, there are a number of different disciplines as well as individuals which need to have information transcribed either from written pages or audio files. In addition, there are also those needing to have an individual take dictation then transcribe the information into a word processing document.

For, with the advent of computers, now individuals transcribing information from an audio file can type the information into a MS Word, Word Perfect or other word processing file which can later be revised without the need to retype the entire document. While this is the case, there are still some individuals whom prefer to speak into a Dictaphone and have an administrative assistant or clerical worker transcribe the information from a traditional Dictaphone into written or electronic text.

When it comes to using a service, most prefer that the information to be processed be submitted on a cassette, VHS or CD. Whereas, the most preferable is often a sound file transmitted to the service as at attachment to an email. While this is the case, different companies have different guidelines. As such, it is best to check with the company before preparing a recorded or electronic file to be transcribed.

Individuals working in this area can often make a great deal of money. For, whether working as a freelance, independent or part of a service team, pay is often higher than that of more basic clerical positions. In addition, individual freelancers and independent contractors often have the ability to set rates and charge by the hour, word, minute, page or project.

When it comes to hiring an individual or service, it is important to know rates in advance. For, there are a number of different ways in which individuals working in this area have been known to charge clients. While this is the case, services working with nonprofits, trade associations courts, meeting planners and governmental agencies often charge more than others.

Before the time of the internet, secretaries often had to take dictation, most often using the Gregg style of shorthand in the past. Then, in the 1970s, the job became easier through the use of cassettes. After which, individuals started typing from audio files rather than written pages in order to transcribe more quickly. For, most individuals working as transcriptionists are fast typists. As such, it can often take far less time to listen and type than it can when attempting to read a number of pages with different handwriting styles while typing.

While mailing cassettes became a regular part of the transcription business during this time, audio files now make the job even easier. In addition, there are a number of services whom now provide work to contract and freelance workers on a regular basis. As a result, computers and email have taken jobs which used to take hours and a great deal of footwork into a future where one can simply listen type, then share a file over a number of electronic devices.

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