Thursday, May 31, 2018

By Carl Williams

At no point throughout the course of its history has humanity ever been independent of plants. Early human societies were agrarian, growing crops to feed themselves and the animals which they also ate and then also used in order help grow more crops to eat. It was a whole cycle. But somewhere along the line, agriculture became more about business than immediate sustenance. People no longer grew to eat, but grew to sell. People grew for leisure, sometimes inside of a greenhouse.

The main reason that the world is not set on fire every day by the sun is because the planet has a protective gas layer, called the ozone layer. Now, ozone is made primarily of oxygen, which is the exact thing that plants give off after absorbing carbon. Now, not having plants around can make it very difficult to breathe, as people and animals and pretty much everything that evolved from the fish that grew legs and crawled out of some primordial sludge needs oxygen in order to breathe.

Now, getting back to matter of plants as food. Most people should ideally eat at least vegetation in their diet, because vegetables are packed with a lot of nutrients, the kind of nutrients that a human body needs in order to function properly. Having a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lead to more energy, which can lead to more satisfying workouts, which can lead to improved moods, which can lead to social success.

A glasshouse is made almost entirely of glass. It is made so in order to let sunlight in so that the flora inside is capable of growing. The glass is supported by a steel frame.

Glasshouses are for growing plants. There really is not much else to them other than to grow plant life. It is not as if it can be converted into a discotheque or a movie theater. Well, actually it can, but defeats the purpose of the structure entirely.

Having a place to garden at leisure and in peace can be therapeutic for some people. Finally, food can be grown inside of one. Growing food makes the proprietors more independent of grocery stores and the like.

Glasshouses can also make the monetary worth of a property go up. Having a separate structure on the grounds can give even the most humble of manors more of that upper class feel. Now, a lot of edible flora can also be grown in one, making property owners more self sustaining.

The fact of the matter is that larger glasshouses may soon become a necessity as arable land becomes more and more scarce. The human population is expanding and will continue to expand. As such, it is important to make there are enough resources, enough food for all the new mouths. Large, multi level glasshouses can be used for vertical farming, creating more resources that can then be distributed.

As long as there are people on the planet, those people are going to have needs. Those needs have to be met to insure continued survival. Resources will have to cultivated and distributed.

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