Monday, May 21, 2018

By Jeffrey Fox

In the olden days, the pictures used to be taken by use of old film cameras. People did not have a chance of saving them on memory cards. Back then, the photos were stored in a roll of films developed, printed and kept in an album. This was done to keep memories of the past. However, with the current technology of photo restoration Michigan, one can now store pictures safely following the steps below.

One is required to scan the old photos to get digital copies. This can be done by use of a regular photographs scanner. In this case, you need to take a photo using your digital camera or else use a scanner application installed on your smart-phone. The method you choose will help you yield a high-quality copy of your past pictures with much ease.

For reference purposes and maintaining originality, you will need to have a second copy of each photo. This can be acquired through duplicating the first one. In this case, one is needed to have an understanding of how best to undertake the task by use of a computer. One needs to click a layer tab which provides options for duplicating the copies.

There are times when your old film photos might have some white spaces after you have scanned them. This can be solved through cropping and straighten the picture. The task can be handled through dragging the sides of the crop box slowly and carefully. Make sure you have reached the point you desire. This will ensure that your photo has some clarity.

In case, the ancient pictures have dust; you will realize that it might be difficult cleaning them manually. However, the task can be handled by use of Photo-shop filter functions. This helps to minimize some unwanted noise through increasing the radius pixels and also threshold levels till you get to the required effect. You should be keen not to distort the photo and lose many details.

There are times your photos will have stains, scratches as well as other unwanted marks. They can make this process a little bit difficult and tricky even if the task can be handled. One can use spot healing brush. You will need to select the desired brush size on your computer. This will help to spot and clean up the issues on the picture. The process requires you to have some experience to produce good results.

It is obvious that after storing photographs for a long period, they are exposed to conditions which lead to fading. They lose their original colors and sharpness. This can be resolved effectively through an application which helps to change and increase the color, tone, and contrast of the pictures. This helps to produce results with great uniqueness similar to the original one.

Lastly, after having done all that, you will have your newly restored images. You will now need to save them for future reference. In this case, one is required to select the most appropriate and preferred file format. Then click it and save the newly restored photographs either on your computer, memory card or smart-phone.

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