Monday, June 18, 2018

By Marie Stevens

When the first creature crawled out of the water on to a primordial beach that may or may exist anymore thanks to continental drift, it must have experienced a tremendous amount of sensory overload. In the billions of years that preceded it, nothing had experienced the earth. IT was the first creature to ever be dry, to feel the heat of the sun on its back, the feel the wind of what was presumably a face of some sort. There was no way for it to imagine, to comprehend, just how important it was to the world at large. There was no way it could have known that how it would affect the course of the planet. But without, it is highly unlikely that terrestrial life would have ever evolved. No cars, no cities, no young blood transfusion.

In the most concise wording possible, a blood transfusion is when lifeblood from person A is put into person B. Of course, this is a bit of an oversimplification of one of the most important medical procedures in history. There are many factors that have be considered before the pumping can begin.

In an ideal world, the blood stays in the body and flows freely and diseases free in it. Of course, the world is anything but ideal and people can sometimes start bleeding, internally or externally. Or they can catch a bug that poisons their own lifeblood. In those cases, they are going to need an infusion of untainted plasma.

A transfusion is achieved when a person is strapped to machine. The machine has a rather large needle. This needle is stuck into one of the many veins in the arm. The machine then pumps out the blood. This blood is then given to a recipient.

To most people, O, B, A, and AB are just letters. Without other vowels and consonants around to help them form words, they have no real meaning. But to a medical practitioner, those letters are very important. These letters represent different types, and the wrong type being given to a recipient can have some pretty dramatic results, like death.

It is important to make sure that the donor and the recipient are compatible with each other. Incompatibility can lead to tragic, and even fatal, results. O negative is the universal donor, meaning that it is compatible with all the other types, when it comes to donating. When it comes to receiving, however, the universal recipient is type AB positive. A person who is O negative can donate to anyone and a person who is AB positive can receive from anyone.

There are ways to make sure that only compatible types are used. For one, potential donors are screened and tested beforehand. These donors must are subject to an interview that may or may not get too personal and they must also be in good health at the time of a donation.

A sick person is disqualified automatically, as the virus can linger in the blood. As such, anyone with HIV or AIDS is not allowed to donate. People who have donated within a fortnight are also discouraged from donating again.

The human body is a curious thing. To function as designed, it has to have every part. But sometimes, parts can be lost, but a person can give someone a hand and maybe a little extra.

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