Sunday, July 1, 2018

By James Meyer

In certain regions of the world, acupuncture is applied as an alternative modality of treating diseases. Although it has no scientific basis, it has proven to be of great benefit to selected individuals. It is particularly useful for managing conditions related to the musculoskeletal system coming in quite handy for people with knee pain, stiffness of shoulders and pain of the lower back. These are A number of learning points of acupuncture Mapleridge BC residents may benefit from.

In a classic acupuncture session, the patient has to lie still on a comfortable couch and is then exposed adequately. A number of needles are inserted up to some appreciable depth under the skin. The needles can range from as few as five to as many as twenty. These have to remain in place for ten to fifteen minutes to give them time to work on the soft tissues. Application of needles can be combined with other forms of pressure and heat.

Diagnosis in acupuncture treatment is arrived at through asking of questions and thorough examination of the client in question. Asking of questions is referred to as taking history just as is the case with conventional medicine. Relevant questions in this case touch on menstruation, bowel habits, urination, appetite and so on.

The acupuncturist goes ahead to examine the patient in a systematic manner. They begin by observing the them paying particular attention to the facial region. Any changes in the tongue are noted. These include the shape, colour, size and thickness. Abnormal smells are also noted and documented. Palpation is done to detect any tender points and to assess the pulse. The other important procedure carried out is auscultation for any abnormal sounds such as wheezing or stridor.

Stainless steel is the metal of choice for needle because of its flexibility and resistance to rust. Needles are usually disposable but in case the specialist plans on using them again to save on finances, they need to be fully sterilized. Longer needles are applied on strong tissues while shorter ones are preferred for the face because of greater vulnerability in the facial region.

Needle length ranges from thirteen to one hundred and thirty millimetres. The average diameter is usually less than a millimetre. For obvious reasons, thinner needles are used in lean patients. Care needs to be taken when using sharp ended needles to avoid breakage. On the other hand, blunt ones cause much more pain to the client. Special tubes are usually used to direct the very thin needles.

There are various other modes of treatment that are closely associated with acupuncture. Instead of simply using needles, heat can be brought into the picture for a better outcome. This is known as fire needling. Alternatively a therapist can decide to use just the hands without involving any needles. This process is referred to as acupuncture.

It should be noted acupuncture is indicated in a number of conditions including diseases affecting the skeleton, muscles and joints. It plays a key role as an alternative form of pain relief. Although science is yet to establish the exact mechanism behind it and how effective it is, its popularity has been rising by the day.

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