Tuesday, July 3, 2018

By Harold Powell

In the course of work or play, a person may sustain some form of bone or soft tissue injury that requires physical therapy (physiotherapy) in order to restore function of the affected system. Common sporting activities that result in these kinds of injuries include rugby, football, athletics and extreme sports among others. Road traffic accidents are also well-known to cause serious injuries that may require long term rehabilitation. These are some of the essentials on physical therapy Wilmington residents may find beneficial.

When you visit the doctor with any condition, however basic it may be, certain steps have to be followed. The first of these steps is the history of your condition. The doctor will ask you a set of questions aimed at characterizing the condition and making a diagnosis. It is important for the patient to be open while giving information as they majorly contribute to the success of treatment.

Once the history has been taken, the physiotherapist proceeds to examine the client. The aim is to rule out any other conditions that may affect the plan of management. It is also done to determine the severity of the condition in question and what needs to be done to relieve pain. As part of investigations, blood is drawn and a number of relevant tests run in the laboratory. Imaging studies are also used frequently.

Physical therapy is more than just simple exercises. It incorporates massaging to relieve pain and relax fatigued muscles. It also entails providing various devices for patients with skeletal injuries. These could be in the form of traction kits, braces and corsets among other supportive devices. Other than exercises and supportive equipment, PT aims at educating clients on the best way to achieve good function while at home or in the work place. Since these individuals may not stay at the physiotherapy center twenty four hours daily.

There are quite a number of specialties in this area. Therapists can train in fields such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, geriatric and electrophysiology physiotherapy among others. Manual therapy is the mainstay of managing many conditions of the pulmonary system. It helps in stimulating the cough reflex and therefore enables the clearance of secretions from the respiratory tract. This is indicated in conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), pulmonary fibrosis and cystic fibrosis.

Geriatric specialization focuses on conditions commonly affecting the elderly population including arthritis, osteoporosis, incontinence, joint replacement and so on. Inflammation of large joints in arthritis interferes with mobility and is also very painful for the patient. The therapy helps in minimizes the pain and enabling the patient to move around comfortably.

Physiotherapists also have a role to play in diseases affecting the skin, commonly burns and wounds. Specialists aim at minimizing infections and managing pain and swelling. The specialty entails irrigation of wounds, dressing, splinting and compression among other appropriate measures.

The other important field of specialization is the integumentary which involves the skin. The skin is commonly affected by traumatic wounds and burns. Physiotherapists in this area work to relieve the patient from pain, swelling and infection. This is typically done through the use of dressings, topical medication and splinting among others.

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