Saturday, May 28, 2016

By Jennifer Collins

Tubal ligation is one of the most effective methods of birth control among women in Morgan city. It is a surgical technique in which Fallopian tubes are ligated. Once this has been done fertilization can no longer occur naturally. Once considered a permanent method, ligation can today be reversed fairly easily. If they have plans of having tubal reversal Louisiana residents are advised to get as much information on the procedure as possible.

There are different techniques that are used in tubal ligation with the choice being determined by the surgeon and whether or not there is a possibility of a reversal in future. Placement of clips is one of the easiest. The clips exert pressure on the Fallopian tubes and block the passage of the sperm as well as the ovum. The advantage of this approach is that it can be easily reversed. Other options include burning with electric current and cutting.

The preoperative workup is the same as that which is done in the case of other operations. It includes, for instance, having blood tests and imaging studies of your pelvic region. All these are aimed at determining whether surgery will be successful. A test known as hysterosalpingogram is one of the most important. It involves the injection of a dye through the cervix and studying its path using X-rays. It helps in determining the length and patency of the tube that was ligated.

The reversal procedure is typically performed in an outpatient setting except in situations where complications are anticipated. Local anesthesia is often preferred which means that you will be awake during the entire exercise. The abdominal wall is opened through minimal access. One of the approaches involves making one single incision in the lower abdomen (also known as mini-laparotomy). The second approach is through three small ports of entry used for the placement of an instrument referred to as a laparoscope.

The demand for laparoscopic has continued to increase due to a number of reasons. One of them is the fact that incisions used are small hence the resultant scars are small as well. Another major advantage is that the risk of injury to the pelvic organs is significantly reduced. The main undoing is the small operating space that is involved and this may necessitate the conversion into an open procedure.

The operation is deemed successful if it results in a pregnancy. In the event that a pregnancy is not attained, then efforts should be made to rule out other causes of infertility among both partners before terming it a failure. Factors that may affect the success rates include infertility in the male partner, presence of extensive scar tissue within the pelvis and advanced age.

The time that is needed for recovery is dependent on the type of technique that has been employed. If one has had the reversal through the open procedure, they may be required to remain within the hospital for a day or two for observation. This is usually not necessary when laparoscopy is used. Complications that may be encountered during this period include bleeding, infections and ectopic pregnancies.

Tubal reversal is successful in most cases but its failure should not be taken to mean that there is no hope. Indeed, many other options of achieving pregnancies exist. Among them is what is known as in vitro fertilization, a form of assisted reproduction where a fertilized embryo is introduced into the uterus and allowed to grow to maturity.

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