Wednesday, June 1, 2016

By Virginia Peterson

The world is going from genuine to artificial at a very alarming rate. One of the things being changed is normal grass to artificial sod. Natural grass is expensive and tedious to grow and maintain hence the rise in fake grass. With this change, turf installation Vancouver is experiencing booming business as more and more people want sods installed in their premises.

The first process should be to prepare the ground on which you want to install the turf. Clear it of any debris because a clear base is always vital for quality installations. Unleveled ground will make the grass to grow at uneven angles and spoil the overall look of it when complete. Simple hand tools like rakes help when leveling and clearing the ground.

Base filling is the next step after ground leveling and clearing. This means the complete product will have a desired height. Add crushed soil and or gravel to shallow grounds, and pack and rake it until smooth and compact. Ensure that you leave proper air spaces in the ground below to allow for proper air and water flow.

Get rid of unnecessary top soil. Also make sure that you do not forget to remove all the materials that can rot when covered. If rotting material is not removed, they will sink into the soil below after rotting and will spoil the leveling of your lawn. Also spread a weed mat that will catch seeds falling into the soil and hinder their germination. Elegantly trim your turf so that they fill the installation area effortlessly.

Always seam your grass width-wise as you lay it. Doing it length-wise can prove difficult and can spoil its general look. There are synthetic grass companies in Vancouver that use sophisticated technologies for their grass to bond together. Using products from such companies may help in the overall look of the finished installation as the seams will be virtually impossible to see as compared to products bonded by glue. These bonds also last longer than ordinary bonding techniques.

There are many benefits of synthetic grass. Maintaining them is easier as the use of lawn mowers is no longer needed. Due to this fact, people get to save time and maybe money that they would use to maintain their lawns. Money is also saved in terms of water usage. Normal grass will dent your income with bills, while artificial grass needs very little water.

These artificial turfs last longer, and can therefore be played on for extended periods of time without getting destroyed. In the dry time of the year, when most people are using huge amounts of water to maintain their lawns, people with artificial grass are using little amounts of water to maintain their greenness. As they cannot be dug or get muddy, pet owners are advised to use them since their animals will not be able to dig in them.

Looking into the world of field games, most fields are using artificial grass. This is due to their easy fixing and maintenance nature. They are common also because unlike fields with natural grass, they have smooth textures and do not possess harmful objects like rocks, which would be hazardous to the players and can be career threatening.

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