Saturday, October 22, 2016

By Kenneth Wallace

Embroidery can be a fun thing to learn provided the teacher is capable enough to make it an exciting thing for kids. To teach kids embroidery, you need to keep it all simple and easy for them. Remember you are teaching kids so it has to be simple otherwise if its something difficult or in detail, they will start to get bored and loose interest in the whole learning project.

To lay a solid foundation, its important to teach them the basics thoroughly. Once they get to know about all the basics, even the complicated projects don't appear to be difficult enough. The two very basic stitches are the running and the back stitch and if anyone learns them it means they can do all the other types of stitches without any problem at all.

Instead of using a new garment, give them scrap or old fabrics so that they can practice their stitches on it. It is not a wise decision to give them a new project when they are just beginning to learn. Once they get frequent with their stitches, it means they can take on a new project without any complications.

At the outset keep your lessons as short as you can so that the children stay connected with all through the session. The ability to focus of youngsters is short when contrasted with grown-ups and weaving is something that requires their consideration when they are adapting at first so its critical that every last kid feels intrigued enough.

Try to make it a fun process for them whilst using bright colors, easy and simple patterns and use terms that they can relate to. For embroidery patterns, you can use their favorite cartoon characters and ask them to stitch their very own favorite cartoon. You should give them the choice to select their favorite colors. It could be that the final product is not something you like but you made it a fun process for the kids to learn.

Although needles can be sharp but you can make it a child friendly affair by using chunky easy to handle threads and fabric that is soft and cotton rich as compared to a silky fabric which is pretty hard to handle. Also, if the fabric is too stiff, again they will find it hard to manage.

Instead of giving individual lessons, children learn well if they are taught in a group. Its a fun process to learn something with your friends instead of learning on your own which can be pretty boring at times.

Scissors and needles are pretty sharp objects so the kids need to be careful whilst using them. You should teach them how to handle these objects with immense care and at the same time you have to stay with them during the whole process. To keep them motivated and encouraged, you should reward their efforts every now and then so that they know you are recognizing their hard work and their creativity. You have to explore their talent because they can't do it on their own.

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