Saturday, June 10, 2017

By Kevin Scott

Fruits form a critical part of the diet, because of their high nutrition value. California is the only state in America that can boast to have the most varieties of trees that produce Avocado Pollen used in the pollination process. The fruit are in plenty as from Spring, all through till fall. Flowering and pollination occurs rather queerly, for the processes are influenced by the temperate conditions of a region at different times of day.

There are a lot of avocado varieties, though only a number are known, and are grown in large scale. Some varieties include; pinkerton, bacon, fuerte, and hass, among many others. Hass is the most preferred among the bunch, because it has a good flavor and the oily sap is in plenty. Its skin appears dark when ripe. Bacon types thrive well in cold temperatures. Its coat is green and thin, and they are in abundance during the month of December.

Other types include; Fuerte and Pinkerton. The former comes in bounty during late fall, between December and May. It is of the category B of trees, and can tolerate frosting temperatures. However, it grows poorly in sandy soil. On the other hand, Pinkerton are characterized by small seeds, a pronounced pear shape, and are easy to peel. Further, they are in season during winter and spring.

If you make the decision of using two trees to produce the fruits, there are some important information about their flowering and pollination that one ought to commit to mind. The trees are perfect, for they have both the female and male parts. However, they behave uniquely, because the female and the male parts, depending on the type of tree, open at different times of day as influenced by the temperatures. Hence, it is hardly possible for the plant to pollinate by itself.

With regards to the variety of avocados you grow, the plants can either be of type A or B. The A type usually opens its female part, also known as pistil, in the morning of the first day, while the male part, stamen, open their petals during the light of the afternoon in the ensuing day. Conversely, when the afternoon of the first day reaches, the B type trees open their pistils, and the male parts open in the morning of the following day.

Pollination is when pollen detaches from the stamen and collected by the pistil of another tree to mark the commencement of fertilization. Insects, specifically bees, play a very important role in transferring pollen grains from the male to the female of another tree in their verge of feeding. Nonetheless, in Texas and Florida, wind pollination occurs commonly.

Like any other agricultural sector, the effect of pests and diseases is also felt by growers of avocado. Infected plants produce low volumes of fruits. Scientist have conducted researches on the potential organisms and diseases associated with the plant. These are mainly; lauren wilt disease, polyphagous shot hole borer, and diseases like Fusarium dieback, which is spread by the aforementioned borer.

Cultivation of avocados is a profitable business in the United States. Even so, cultivators should strive to learn more about the pollination patterns and how climatic conditions impact that. Further, research about the diseases and pests that lead to low produce. The information is important, because it helps one monitor the health of plants and control pests.

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