Friday, June 9, 2017

By Wanda Spillberg

Amputation is a process where a part of the body is removed in order to prevent infection to spread throughout the body. Below knee amputation is needed when the remainder of the leg has to be saved. Above knee prosthesis is needed when the part of the leg above knee starts creating a problem for the individual.

However, what you must remember is that simply having an amputation doesn't end your life. Because with the prosthetic medicine being developed for both the above knee and below knee amputees it has become possible for them to live life normally like they lived earlier.

Diabetes is a medical condition which causes damage to the cells of the body and in order to stop its infection spread throughout the body including the organs the body part is removed. We are likely to get injuries on our extremities, and people with severe diabetes have to make sure they do not have open wounds.

One of the most preferred technologies as far as prosthesis is concerned; C-leg is gaining its popularity among the masses. Otto Bock is known to design the prosthetics with C-leg technology and its unique designs. The prosthetic legs with C-leg technology are known to have microprocessor being installed in them, which is unlike other prosthetic legs that you may come across. Also the microprocessor allows monitoring the movements of the knee at 50 times per second.

People who have suffered from major accidents are also known to make use of prosthetics to replace the body parts that they lost due to accidents. Accidents can be a major cause of severe bone damage. Often it is found that the bone gets crushed and it becomes difficult to get them back again. Doctors ask the patient to get them removed and replace them with artificial ones, as because it is easier to handle artificial ones comparatively. This also makes it important for you to ensure that you stay away from such accidents as much as you can.

It is important for you to make sure that the part where you are willing to get a prosthesis done is healed completely. It has to get a proper shape after the surgery is completely healed. The fluids that have accumulated in the area have to be removed using the compression therapy, in order to provide the part proper shape for the prosthetics to be installed.

Make sure you choose a licensed prosthetist to get your amputation and also help you to choose the right prosthetics that suits you. The prosthetists are the individuals that study prosthetics and have to pass exams from the desired board to be certified as prosthetist. Apart from this they also have to continue their education to ensure that they have their credentials by being updated.

You must also remember that getting a prosthetics done for you are also covered under your insurance policy, if you have one. There are different types of insurance policies available, therefore it is important to make sure you consult your doctor, and licensed prosthetic company in your area and ask them to help you with the claims. Some prosthetic surgeries do cost you a bit and if you have insurance it can definitely make a difference.

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