Tuesday, November 7, 2017

By Cynthia West

Hymns are songs of devotion, usually to a diety. Americans associate them with songs of praise to God, but they can be written for patriotic reasons or to advance a particular cause which may or may not have God's blessing. However, most of the best loved hymns that motivate people were written and are sung to celebrate God and invite others into the church.

The Greek word from which we get our 'hymn' means a song of praise. We have ancient examples of devotional music from Greece and Egypt. A hymnal is a collection of worship songs, written to express thanksgiving, belief, repentance, joy, or pure worship of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Most churches have hymnals; some sing acapella and some have magnificent choirs and accompanists.

'The Battle Hymn Of The Republic' is a good example of a song written for secular purposes which has become a tradition in American churches. Julia Ward Howe wrote the lyrics during the Civil War and it was quickly adopted by the Union army and the people of the north. The tune was a familiar one to many, as was the 'Glory, Glory Hallelujah' chorus. This stirring song used to be taught in public schools and sung at patriotic gatherings.

'Amazing Grace', another beloved song, speaks of salvation from a state of wretchedness to one of 'saved by grace'. The story of this song is as inspirational as the words. John Newton, a sailor and later slave trader, cried out to God in desperation during a violent storm at sea. He became a clergyman and wrote this song to reinforce a sermon. The tune that Americans love was settled on later. Newton became an ardent abolitionist and helped to bring about the end of the slave trade in Britain.

Today television, radio, and the internet are great resources for those who love this kind of music. Gospel hours, spiritual classics, and popular Christian music flood the airways. Cable television has special channels for traditional and modern worship music and song. YouTube has great renditions of favorite songs and clips of talent shows when a contestant wows the audience with a hymn of praise. You can visit Mennonite churches, monasteries, and convents to hear amazing renditions of songs of faith.

A hymn can extol the majesty and worthiness of God, the love of Jesus, or the price the Lord paid for sinners of every tribe and nation. Children learn 'Jesus Loves Me' and 'This Little Light Of Mine'. "The Old Rugged Cross' and 'At The Cross' remind us of Jesus' last gift to mankind, and 'What A Friend We Have In Jesus' celebrates the treasures of salvation.

People have written about their personal relationship to God, and others use their words to express similar feelings. "I Come To The Garden Alone' and 'Blessed Assurance' speak of the peace of knowing god and accepting Jesus as savior. Many songs are Psalms set to music, and singing scripture back to God who inspired it is a special pleasure.

Seasons of the year or of life are celebrated in spiritual song. We all love the traditional Christmas carols. The Easter service is many people's favorite, as the triumphant songs of Christ's resurrection lift voices and hearts. Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate God's provision, and funerals a time to celebrate a life on earth that is now being continued in Heaven. Singing songs of praise and worship make our lives richer.

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